How to assign time table to SAP Opmode

You have configured SAP Opmode, and you want to assign each opmode to specific time. For example you assign different work process configuration during the day and another work process configuration during the night. Usually the system load have different behavior during day and night. At day you assign more Dialog Workprocesses for users and at night you provide more Background Workprocesses to handle Background Job. You do this as part of SAP Performance Management tasks to keep your SAP system running well.

1. To do assignment go to SAP Menu -> Tools -> CCMS -> Configuration -> Operation Modes/Instances or directly to transaction RZ04.

Assign Time Table to SAP Opmode

2. Go to -> Operation Mode -> Timetable

Assign Time Table to SAP Opmode
Assign Time Table to SAP Opmode

3. Choose Normal Operation

Timetable SAP Opmode for normal operation
Time table for Normal Operation

4.Assign time interval to SAP Op mode

Assign time interval to SAP Op mode
Assign time interval to Op. mode

5. Do the same thing for other SAP Op Mode

Assign time interval to Op. mode
Assign time interval to Op. mode

6. Assign time interval for Exception Operation

Assign time interval for Exception Operation
Assign time interval for Exception Operation

7. Choose specific date to assign certain SAP op mode

Exception Operation for SAP OP mode
Specify a date to assign SAP Op mode

8. Exception Operation Mode is assigned for night mode on specific date.

Exception SAP Op Mode assigned
Exception SAP Op Mode assigned

More about Operation Mode also can be read in this book:



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